Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dear Internet,

a smattering of recent headlines...

We anticipated this sort of thing in Militia Revival Cometh, and so it has come to pass...

Michigan Messenger: Militia members charged with sedition

Given the conspicuous web presence of this Hutaree group (including honey-pot forums), it is worth asking whether this might not be a "decoy militia" - at least Pastor Strawcutter never heard of them...

Detroit News: Raid on Hutaree puzzles Adrian


Gateway Pundit: Sarah Palin Lashes Out at "Lamestream Media's Lies" & "Bunk" at Torchlight Tea Party Rally

The torchlights in Searchlight reminded us of something that the Tea Party movement could conceivably come to resemble...

Vidoemo: Nazi Torchlight Parade


Why Kentucky could be to 2010 what Florida was to 2000 and Ohio was to 2004...

Bradblog: Election Inegrity Concerns Brewing in KY's GOP Primary Race for U.S. Senate


Cloak & dagger intrigues between WikiLeaks, CIA & Icelandic police; and look for a video on April 5 exposing U.S. shootdown of civilians...

WikiLeaks: U.S. must stop spying on WikiLeaks


Two more cloak & dagger stories, perhaps unrelated, though they share two nodes: FBI and Chicago...

Boiling Frogs Post: Official Documents Confirm Major Criminal Investigations of Turkish Operatives in Chicago

Asia Times: A spy unsettles US-India ties

This one is worth quoting at length:

News that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had reached a plea bargain with David Coleman Headley, who played a key role in the planning of the terrorist strike in Mumbai in November 2008 in which 166 people were killed, has caused an uproar in India.

The deal enables the US government to hold back from formally producing any evidence against Headley in a court of law that might have included details of his links with US intelligence or oblige any cross-examination of Headley by the prosecution...

Headley's links with the US intelligence will now remain classified information and the Pakistani nationals involved in the Mumbai attacks will get away scot-free. Furthermore, the FBI will not allow Headley's extradition to India and will restrict access so that Indian agencies cannot interrogate him regarding his links with US and Pakistani intelligence.

In return for pleading guilty to the charges against him Headley will get lighter punishment than the death sentence that was probably most likely.

Headley's arrest in Chicago last October initially seemed a breakthrough in throwing light on the operations and activities of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Pakistan-based terrorist organisation, in India. But instead the Obama administration's frantic efforts to cover up the details of the case have been taken to their logical conclusion...

In her own comment to this story, Sibel Edmonds says...

We’ll keep this story on our radar. There are tons buried and covered up here…


Monday, 3/22, was the 245th anniversary of the passing of the Stamp Act, one of many offenses of the British Crown and Parliament leading up to the American Revolution. Some are now wondering whether the legislation passed Sunday night by Congress, and signed into law Tuesday by President Obama, could lead to a similar outcome...

KRZOG: Obama Baits Civil War


Riots around the world...

Al Jazeera: 'Blood protest' rocks Thai capital

Ha'aretz: Clashes in Jerusalem

AP: Police join marchers in Athens protest


In the wars and rumours of war category...

Herald Scotland: Final Destination Iran?

“The US is not publicising the scale of these preparations to deter Iran, tending to make confrontation more likely,” he added ...

Thus spake the publiciser.


Dear Leader is happiest while holding the vodka...

Boston Globe: On the Spot with Kim Jong Il


History of an airport...

Mad Cow Productions: The Ultimate Hedge

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