Monday, January 31, 2011

News of the month of January 2011...

Tunisian government falls, Egypt on the brink...

Telegraph: Egypt protests - America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising


The Irish government for all intents and purposes is falling as well, but to the purpose of the Inter-Alpha banking group, upcoming elections could prove the undoing of the austerity program which is to Ireland what "IceSlave" was to Iceland... Why then are Asian investors rushing to the rescue?...

Asympototix: EFSF first bond issue - 43 Billion Euros of Orders From 500 Investors


In other international incidents...

Epoch Times: Chinese Pianist Plays Propaganda Tune at White House

NWNoticias: David Rockefeller confronted at Chilean airport during vacations


Now that the despicable food bill has been signed, big agra-biz is wasting no time in seizing the market. Perhaps this might explain the divide and conquer food fight that appears to be playing out amongst factions in the organic/local food economy...

WholeStory: Urgent Action Needed to Support Organics and Non-GE Crops

Organic Consumers Association: The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now?

FarmWars: Food Freedom Betrayed!

In any case, Mother Nature may have the final verdict, giving evidence that the GMO bubble is bursting...

Bloomsberg: Lower corn and soybean output sends prices surging

Meanwhile, animals of a variety of species drop dead around the world...

GoogleEarth: Mass Animal Deaths

Reuters: Researchers Find "Alarming" Decline in Bumblebees


And humans with U.S. government connections are mysteriously dropping dead as well...

Cryptogon assembles some of the details...

John P. Wheeler III: Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Member of Council on Foreign Relations, Consultant to Mitre Corporation Found Dumped in Landfill

Julie Powers Schenecker: Russian Linguist, Previously Associated with U.S. Army Intelligence, and Wife of U.S. Army Intelligence Colonel, Who’s ‘Mainly Responsible for the National Security Agency’s Support to Military Operations,’ Shot and Killed Their Two Children in Florida

WashingtonPost: Ashley Turton, former Hill aid, and wife of key White House aid, found dead in burning car


Then there was Tucson...

KRZog: Killing Two Birds With One Eye


In police state news...

PrisonPlanet: Big Sis Launches DHS Takeover Of Hotels, Malls & Sports Stadiums

WashingtonPost: Domestic use of aerial drones by law enforcement likely to prompt privacy debate


Virginia moves towards independence...

Virginia's Legislative Information System: House Joint Resolution No. 557

Establishing a joint subcommittee to study whether the Commonwealth should adopt a currency to serve as an alternative to the currency distributed by the Federal Reserve System in the event of a major breakdown of the Federal Reserve System.

Other states are looking to nullify the health care and food safety legislation...

ABAJournal: Bill to Nullify Federal Health Care Law Introduced in Idaho; Other Lawmakers May Follow

LewRockwell: Wyoming Defeats, Georgia Introduces Food Freedom Act

And if push comes to shove...

Garner News: Para-military groups help strenthen forces

But what is this all about? - GPS is dropping in the S.E. U.S...

FAA: GPS Flight Advisory

The Department of Defense will conduct GPS tests on January 20th through February 22nd, 2011. During testing, the GPS signal may be unreliable or unavailable.

Related? - note the launch date: Jan. 20...

AP: Classified satellite launched from California base


In the rare category these days of good news...

BizJournals: Obama transition vet joins Joule board


BiofuelsDigest: Joule Unlimited 'Fuel from thin air' comes closer, clearer


Back to bad news: the toxification of Gulf Coast residents continues...

Institute for Southern Studies: BP's spilled oil is washing up in people

Oilgate: Letter from Louisiana Senator to Obama Regarding COREXIT Poisoning of the Gulf

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: First Study of Dispersants in Gulf Spill Suggests a Prolonged Deepwater Fate

But nevermind the Macondo eruption and BP's sprayers wiping out the Gulf Coast, now the Yellowstone caldera threatens to wipe out an even larger section of the U.S...

Daily Mail: Is the world's largest super-volcano set to erupt for the first time in 600,000 years, wiping out two-thirds of the U.S.?

...and an impending New Madrid earthquake to boot!...

DDDNews: On 199th Anniversary of New Madrid Quake, FEMA urges public to 'Resolve to be ready'

Associated Content: Do Dead Birds and Fish Warn of an Impending New Madrid Earthquake?


In last month's headline rundown, we gave The Guardian favorable comments for its WikiLeaks coverage; but that was a premature assessment...

CounterPunch: The Guardian's Political Censorship of WikiLeaks

From the hole...

FireDogLake: Bradley Manning Speaks About His Conditions

The flimsy case against him...

RawStory: US can't link Julian Assange to Bradley Manning


Symbol Susan speaks...

TruthJihad: CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 9/11, Iraq


Seymour Hersh speaks on 21st Century Crusades...

Foreign Policy: Seymour Hersh unleashed

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ronald Reagan Porno

We find out in the Jan. 7, 2011 episode of The Alex Jones Show (beginning at time-stamp 9:00 & continuing in part 2) that, according to Bob Chapman, "an older" Ronald Reagan appears in a covertly shot (but not by an intelligence agency) porno film...

"The film was a woman with him who used an artificial device... to do what they did." as much detail as Chapman is willing to disclose. He claims he viewed this black and white reel at an "elite screening" in the late '70s or early '80s. Charlotte Iserbyt confirms that she heard similar rumours.

This isn't the first time a president has been rumoured to have stared in a stag flick. As we read on page 170 of Dave Thompson's Black and white and blue: adult cinema from the Victorian age to the VCR, a stag circulated in the 1960's purportedly starring Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy (or his brother Robert). This rumour has been quashed. But we can always wonder about Bill Clinton perhaps ending up on video tape during one of his famous coke binges. It wouldn't be surprising to find out the same of Barack Obama (who after all was schooled by pornographic author Frank Marshall Davis) or even of George W. Bush during one of his drunken binges.


We wonder, since Mr. Chapman seems certain that this film (or video?) was not shot by an intelligence agency, perhaps it was shot by Bob Crane or his friend John Carpenter (the amateur porn camera man, not the horror film director). If Reagan was a secret swinger, it is not at all implausible that he could have been "accidentally" captured on camera at a party where Crane and Carpenter were also present, since they notoriously played fast and loose with their video toys (as depicted in Auto-Focus). Curiously, Carpenter was suspected but never convicted of Crane's murder in 1978, which was around the time that Chapman saw this film, and around the time that Ronald Reagan was gearing up for his run for president...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

01 09 11

Another anagram date, another media terror frenzy...

FOXNews: Authorities Search for Second Man in Deadly Arizona Shooting Spree

And believe it: the mass mind manipulators know that this connection is recognized in every trailer park across America...

9-year-old shooting victim was aspiring politician

Published January 09, 2011 Associated Press

...Born on Sept. 11, 2001...