Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spiral Eye in Sky Winks at the New Prince of Peace

From The Report From Iron Mountain On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, The Dial Press, 1967, Pg. 84:

The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war...

Section 2. Political. a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies.

It seems as of late, the globalist legions have been desperately firing off all of their rounds at once, in conjunction with the supreme irony of President Obama accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo last week, where he obliquely cites the above referenced text at time-stamp 17:17 - "The belief that peace is desirable is rarely enough to achieve it," while making the case for an indefinite continuation and globally shared state of war against the old stand-by bogeymen, Al Qaeda and the like, of which more and more of the general public are coming to regard as falling within category d) fictitious alternate enemies.

Meanwhile, in Copenhagen, efforts were already underway to establish a global environmental police state on the presumption of category c) massive global environmental pollution, in the form of carbon emissions induced global warming, which, again, more and more of the general public are coming to doubt. The leaked CRU emails on the eve of of the summit got things off to a bad start; then a leaked draft agreement revealed an agenda on the part of western powers to use the climate crisis as a means of re-establishing their colonial grip on the developing world. And so...
Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak.
Yes, things have been going quite badly for the globalist program. And so, in a wild, spectacular foray, they apparently fired up EISCAT, which, like Alaska's HAARP, is an ionospheric heating antenna array located in Norway, and with it made signs in the heavens that indeed - under category b) an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace - the gods or the aliens or Santa Claus or what have you are nodding in approval of The One, the New Prince of Peace...
A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway?

Arthur C. Clarke once said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." But these self-appointed "masters of the universe" are getting so transparent now that it is just downright laughable.

Jan. 2, 2010: Update 1

As the update to "Nobel Torsion Message" corrects, so must we...

Since the famous photograph was taken looking East not from Tromso, but from Skjervoy (being NE of EISCAT), the source of the spiral apparently bears some relation to the Russian missile test. If so, this winking eye was perhaps not flirting with, but rather mocking the "New Prince of Peace."

Update 2...

"Nobel Torsion Message" Part III concludes: explanation 1 (EISCAT) and explanation 2 (failed Russian missile test) coincide - a torsion force created by EISCAT caused the missile to fail...

1 comment:

Auribus Arrectis said...

100+ page report on spiral: http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/Norway_Spiral_--_15_FAQS_final.pdf