Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama ousts Churchill

It should come as no surprise, given the history of the Obama "family jewels" with the British Empire, that President Obama would want that hideous bust of Winston Churchill out of his sight the minute he entered the Oval Office. The significance was not lost to the UK Telegraph:

Churchill has less happy connotations for Mr Obama than those American politicians who celebrate his wartime leadership. It was during Churchill's second premiership that Britain suppressed Kenya's Mau Mau rebellion. Among Kenyans allegedly tortured by the colonial regime included one Hussein Onyango Obama, the President's grandfather.

But, the sex symbolism of the moment begs further comment, in so far as this room might be called our National Ovum: as the Christian Science Monitor notes,

"Oval" comes from the Latin ovum, "egg," – birth and new beginnings, a place where our greatest aspirations might hatch and take wings.

Hence, upon entering this chamber representing feminine fertility, Barack Obama was confronted by the man bearing responsibility for the cutting off of the masculine generative power of his grandfather (fortunately, Barack Sr. had already been born by this time).


Flashback: March 3, 1999

On an unrelated but tangental note, it is timely to recall another episode - nearly ten years ago - in the sex symbolism of Washington D.C., as was signified by the illumination of an enscaffolded National Phallus (better known as the Washington Monument) on the eve of Barbara Walters's broadcast interview with Monica Lewinsky on ABC's 20/20; in which Lewinski revealed her experiences with then President Clinton's phallus in the Oval Office. To Walter's question as to whether she was satisfied "as a woman..." suggesting: 'did you orgasm?' Lewinsky's reply was in the affirmative...

1 comment:

WXXX said...

Apparently, Gordon Brown got something of a cold shoulder for his first visit to the White House, as the Telegraph reports.

In response to the perceived slight of 'proper' manners, an unnamed State Dept. official said:

"There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn't expect special treatment."