Tuesday, January 22, 2013

President Weatherman, part I

The question of the true identity of Barack Obama is becoming one of recent history's persistent mysteries. His birthplace, parentage, social security number, aliases, associations and his ultimate goals are all up for question. At first, due to his own cageyness in releasing a long form birth certificate, we had the allegation that he was born in Kenya, then it was alleged that he is the illigimate son of Frank Marshall Davis. In any case, the enigma of his origins suggested to a certain strain of paranoiac that he was primed as a Trojan Horse to usher in a Marxist takeover of America. Such is the Barack Obama that we read about in the pages of World Net Daily publications. Then we have Obama the product of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control program - an identity psychiatrically manufactured by the shadow government - a portrait suggested in Wayne Madsen's The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. Into the White House.

In this article (part one of two), we will argue that the latter account will go a considerable way in explaining the murkiness of his identity, which right wing investigators mistake as indication of an ultimate counter-culture mission. It may be counter-culture alright, but not in the way they imagine.

Wayne Madsen's account of the Obama biography emphasizes the influence of the mother, Ann Dunham, as an anthropologist and operative for CIA-front foundations particularly in Indonesia. In the manner of aloof familiarity with which the anthropologist/operative assumes over those cultures and "folks" that are the subject of study and manipulation, Obama has followed in his mother's footsteps - only the subjects under his cultivation were not rural Indonesians and other Third World peoples, but, early on in his career, the South Side Chicago African-American community, and later, the American electorate as a whole.

In being deployed upon a community, the operative must to some degree internalize the general mind-set among its inhabitants - one must get within their skin, must even hypnotize oneself into believing their world-view. Consider then Barack Obama's attendance at Jeremiah Wright's sermons; was he a true believer in the fiery anti-American rhetoric? We should doubt it, though it would've been imperative for him to critically emulate the rhetoric enough to maintain the confidence of the true believers. We recognize that Obama is very skilled in the art of moving between different worlds. Note in his campaigning the ease with which he assumes different dialects - when speaking to black audiences, he speaks the dialect that he became familiar with in Chicago. When speaking to white audiences, particularly in states with large rural populations, he speaks somewhat more awkwardly with a folksy drawl.

There are specific techniques that inform this "getting into the skin of" talent that he possesses. Among these are the verbal and physical gestures employed out of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) playbook, as documented in this 2008 paper...

The Obama File: Obama's Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques

In a quite prescient April 1974 essay by Lyndon LaRouche (when he was still writing as "Lynn Marcus"), the methodologies of confidence-gathering - towards ends that are not in the best interest of those whose confidence is being gained - are characterized of the "community organizer" a good ten years before Barack Obama descended upon the South Side of Chicago....


Organize a group around the identification of a neighborhood group, and assign them the task of solving a problem identified as peculiar to people of that neighborhood. Set up the composition of the group and its advisors or source of information such that the group can remain united only if it adopts "actions" to solve the problem within the constraints and techniques available to forces represented by that neighborhood "committee" constituted as such a narrow "interest group." The "community organizers" assigned to this counterinsurgency task must not tell the members of the neighborhood group (the dupes) what solution they are intended to adopt (e.g. by the Ford Foundation or the HEW [Department of Health, Education, Welfare] employers of the community organizer), but these "organizers," acting as controllers of the neighborhood organization will accomplish the intended result by suggestion. Certain clues will be "placed" where they will be noticed by the group. - Pgs. 26-27.

Other ways of putting this method of predetermining an outcome through a scripted framework of "choice," or diktat by sleight of hand: "leading from behind," "paternalistic libertarianism," and the politics of the "nudge" such as is associated with Cass Sunstein and other behavioral economists who joined the first term of the Obama administration. Utilizing findings in the field of cognitive science, these technocrats, assured that they know what's best for Americans, seek to manipulate the behavior of people whilst leading them to believe it was what they wanted anyway. As stated in a revealing (if pathetically fawning) April 2009 article by Michael Grunwald, "when you know what makes people tick, it's a lot easier to help them change"...

TimeHow Obama Is Using the Science of Change

Curiously enough, it was the above article, cited in an April 11, 2009 speech, that seems to have prompted LaRouche and his organization to turn vehemently in opposition to the new Obama administration, after a brief initial period of tepid patience. He doubtless had been reminded of what he had written some 35 years ago...

The problem has been solved. The group now believes problem that it has discovered an efficient, "democratic" way to solve local problems, totally unaware of the fact that every part of the little drama was staged. They look at the "community organizer," vaguely "feeling" that he has somehow contributed to the happy outcome, but unable to see how his "non-directive" approach and repeated emphasis on "participatory democracy" (or some equivalent, hackneyed slogan [like "we are the change we've been waiting for"?]) could have permitted him to perform such an "elitist" role. He is the self-effacing ("I'm only an outsider; you have to decide.") friend who "never interferes." They do not suspect that they are virtually zombies (at least in the terms of the present arrangement) and he in fact is their controller. -Pg. 27

For comparison's sake, consider Ryan Lizza's account of community organizer Barack Obama's arrival in Chicago...

The New RepublicThe Agitator

Not long after Obama arrived, he sat down for a cup of coffee in Hyde Park with a fellow organizer named Mike Kruglik. Obama's work focused on helping poor blacks on Chicago's South Side fight the city for things like job banks and asbestos removal. His teachers were schooled in a style of organizing devised by Saul Alinsky, the radical University of Chicago-trained social scientist. At the heart of the Alinsky method is the concept of "agitation"-- making someone angry enough about the rotten state of his life that he agrees to take action to change it; or, as Alinsky himself described the job, to "rub raw the sores of discontent."

On this particular evening, Kruglik was debriefing Obama about his work when a panhandler approached. Instead of ignoring the man, Obama confronted him. "Now, young man, is that really what you want to be about?" Obama demanded. "I mean, come on, don't you want to be better than that? Let's get yourself together."

Kruglik remembers this episode as an example of why, in ten years of training organizers, Obama was the best student he ever had. He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better.

Profile, agitate, nudge; as noted by Kruglik, Obama was skilled in these techniques at the beginning of his career. This in itself would suggest considerable training at an early age - at Columbia?  Occidental? or simply by being raised in a family of CIA assets, with perhaps intensive training in an MK-ULTRA related program, such as a Project Pegasus? (The latter has been the subject of much lampooning in the media based on the claims of "chrononaut" Andrew Basiago that he and Obama were among a select group of child space/time travelers who journeyed to Mars. This likely is simply the outlandish cover story of a considerably more mundane program involving children that nevertheless presented some value to intelligence services.) In any case, the mother, Ann Dunham, would have engaged in similar interactions with native Indonesians as part of her quest to introduce micro-financing, or the capillary leading shoots (or fangs is perhaps the better analogy) of predatory capital into remote areas as preparation to be eventually sucked dry by Wall Street and the City of London.

The Alinski-inspired psycho-social prodding that Obama practiced first in Chicago and now upon the whole of America and the world is the "soft-power" side of a sinister coin. Again, LaRouche from '74...

This radical counterinsurgency organizing (Saul Alinsky and his emulators are the pure type of such CIA operatives and agents) has been coupled with direct counterinsurgency of the sort we can trace' in developments through CIA operations in the Philipines, Greece and Vietnam, or British operations in Malaysia, Aden, Kenya and Northern Ireland. The "radical" Saul Alinsky-type organizer is the "soft cop"; the military or paramilitary counterinsurgent of "Operation Phoenix" notoriety is the "hard cop.', The quasi-supportive "radical organizer" and aversive environment created by the military or para-military boys thus represent the two essential social-control elements of a brainwashing situation. - Pg. 17

This brings us to the case of apparent death squads in America - an Operation Phoenix or Gladio type of program underway in the "homeland," as persistent reports (quickly dismissed by mainstream sources) of second or more shooters spotted in Aurora, Sandy Hook and elsewhere would suggest...

ExaminerHolmes had help - Aurora shooting witnesses indicate potential accomplices

MemoryHoleSandy Hook’s Disappearing Shooter Suspects

Canadian Awareness NetworkLone Gunman OR Multiple Shooters At Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting?

Not to mention those occurring in Syria...

ReutersMystery death squads appear in Syria, kill more than 60 in Homs

Global ResearchSyria - Washington’s Death Squads Caught in the Act

At the time that LaRouche wrote the essay we now cite, he suggested that the domestic "hard cop" paramilitary group was none other than the Weathermen, in spite of its anti-war, counter-culture posturing. LaRouche charges that the breaking up the 1968 Columbia strike, in which his SDS associated National Caucus of Labor Committees participated, was made possible through Ford Foundation funding of several organizations, including...

...Mark Rudd et al. through a conduit created by a relative of former CIA operative Dr. Herbert Marcuse. It was out of this third, covert operation that the Weatherman group developed, remaining a CIA "countergang" down to the present day.

That was in 1974, but even today we can ask whether the Weathermen remain a "countergang" and have effectively occupied the highest office in the land. On that tantalizing note, stay tuned for part two...


Anonymous said...

For more on LaRouche (a/k/a "Lyn Marcus") and the then SDS Labor Committee and Mark Rudd and both the "Action Faction" and later Weatherman (especially at Columbia in 1968), please see How It All Began at

"Hylozoic Hedgehog"

WXXX said...

Obama gets Weather Underground Capitol bomber Elizabeth Anna Duke off the hook...


But, after all, Richard Nixon was a sympathizer as well...

"Well, I want them to break those windows up in the Capitol, that's the best thing that could happen to those Congressmen."