Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mankind to be engineered by techno-elites

Ever lagging several steps behind the curve...

Guardian: Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering

Bill Gates appears to be oblivious to a growing wariness among the intelligensia of the unintended consequences of geoengineering (much as he has been oblivious to the unintended bugs that have plagued Microsoft's Windows operating system over the years). Instead, a new solution to the "crisis" is to be proposed in the Summer issue of Ethics, Policy, and Environment by authors Matthew Liao, Anders Sandberg, and Rebecca Roache in a paper titled Human Engineering and Climate Change. We have the abstract...

Anthropogenic climate change is arguably one of the biggest problems that confront us today. There is ample evidence that climate change is likely to affect adversely many aspects of life for all people around the world, and that existing solutions such as geoengineering might be too risky and behavioural and market solutions might not be sufficient to mitigate climate change. In this paper, we consider a new kind of solution to climate change, what we call human engineering, which involves biomedical modifications of humans so that they can mitigate and/or adapt to climate change. We argue that human engineering is potentially less risky than geoengineering and that could help behavioural and market solutions succeed in mitigating climate change. We also consider some possible ethical concerns regarding human engineering such as its safety, the implications of human engineering for our children and for the society, and we argue that these concerns can be addressed. Our upshot is that human engineering deserves further consideration in the debate about climate change.

Leaving aside for the moment the issue that the premise of the entire argument is questionable, as the population of global warming skeptics grows...

Spiegel:'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'

Ignore that. The problem remains as to how to go about persuading people to want to be bio-engineered. This is the task of a program at Eindhoven Technische Universiteit...

Persuasive Technology, Allocation of Control, and Social Values

Social values can be in conflict with the interests or preferences of individual persons. Sustainability, for example, is widely viewed as crucial for our future. At the same time it is recognized that technology alone cannot bring about a sustainable society. Individual agents need to change their behavior as well. How do we motivate agents such that they realize our social values, even when these values conflict with their own private interests? This is where persuasive technology comes into the picture. It aims at persuading human agents to behave in socially-valued ways, by giving information, providing feedback, and taking over actions...

(Our emphasis) And what form might human engineering take?...

DailyMail: Hitler would have loved The Singularity: Mind-blowing benefits of merging human brains and computers

That is the somewhat utopian view (that Hitler would love) of our cyborg future. But the reality could resemble something more like this...

Rense: Jeff And Jan Smith - Morgellons...See What The CDC Calls Hallucinations !

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