Monday, February 8, 2010

Highly speculative, but worth noting...

American Free Press: Big oil behind Haiti quake?

For reference: Haiti earthquake map - bear in mind, all earthquakes do not propagate alike.


In the further pursuit of full spectrum dominance...

Wired: Pentagon looks to breed immortal 'synthetic organisms'


The Gaurdian: BAE pays fines over arms deal corruption claims

Some of the Riggs slush fund money went to 9/11 hijackers...

Jeffery Steinberg: 9/11 cover is blown

And speaking of false flag terror...

Today's Zaman: 'Secret constitution' at the heart of the Sledgehammer coup plan


In other news, the future belongs to cults...

San Diego Reader: Mysterious Danish group builds exotic compound on Baja coast

As monuments to "Tvind" ascend...

Business Insider: It begins: cash strapped cities begin to crumble

And as America declines, her children hit the streets in whore-suits...

Celebrity Fix: Miley's 9 year old sister launches lingerie line for kids

Meanwhile, Muslim maids are fitted with boob-bombs...

WorldNetDaily: Bosom bombers: women have explosive breast implants

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